Waiting for Shiva

చరిత్ర ఒక బరువు, ఒక బాధ్యత. ఆ బరువుబాధ్యతలను హుందాగా అలవోకగా మోస్తూ వచ్చిన న గరం కా శీ లే దా వా రణాసి. ప్ర పంచానికి వె లుగు చూ పిన ఈ దే శసంస్ కృతికి విలువైన ప్ర తీక. శతాబ్దా లుగా ఎదుర్కొన్న కష్టా లను, దాడులను భరిస్తూ , ఎదిరిస్తూ తలెత్తు కు నిలిచిన నగరం కాశీ.


“వెయిటింగ్ ఫర్ శివ: అనెర్తిం గ్ ది ట్రూ త్ ఆఫ్ కాశీస్ గ్యానవాపి” కు తెలుగు అనువాదం ఇది. శ కలాలుగా వు న్న చ రిత్ర ను ఒ క సూత్రం గా కూ ర్చిన ర చన, వి శ్వేశ్వరుడిగా విశ్వనాథుడిగా అనాదిగా ఈ జాతిని తరిం పచేస్తు న్న పరమేశ్వరుడి నివాసమై న కాశీ కథ ఇది. ‘కాశీలో తుది శ్వాస విడిస్తే చాలు ముక్తినిస్తా’ అని శివుడు స్వయంగా ప్ర కటించాడు. శతాబ్దా లుగా కాశీ పొందిన గౌరవమర్యాదలు, ముష ్కరుల దాడుల్లో శిథిలమై న కాశీ వ్యథలు, పడిన ప్ర తిసారీ కాశీని మళ్లీ లేపిన అచంచలమై న భక్తిప్ర పత్తు లు అన్నీ పేజీలలో మనను పలకరిస్తా యి. దెబ్బలు తినడం కాశీకి అలవాటే, అయితే చావుదెబ్బ కొట్టిం ది మటుకు 1669 లో ఔరంగజేబ్. ఆలయం ధ్వం సం చేసి, పడమటి గోడ మీద రెండు గుంబజ్ లు కట్టి, దాన్ని మసీదు అన్నా డు. గ్యా నవాపి మసీదు ఉన్న స్థ లం, ఆవరణ, 18 వ శతాబ్దం లో కట్టిన మందిరానికి మసీదుకు మధ్యలోని స్థ లం మొత్తం వివాదాలకు కారణమయ్యాయి. గంగ నెత్తు రు పులుముకుని రోదించిం ది. బ్రిటి ష్ హయాం లో ఎన్ని వ్యాజ్యా లలో తీర్పులు ప్ర కటించి నా పరిష్కారం లేకపోయిం ది. 1947 తరవాత కాశీ మందిరానికి స్వేచ్ఛ తేవాలన్న సంకల్పం మరిం త బలమై ంది. 2021 లోనమోదై న సివిల్ కేసు దేశాన్ని ఒక ఊపు ఊపగా, సుప్ర ీం కోర్టు ASIని సమగ్ర నివేదిక సమర్పిం చమని కోరిం ది. 2024 జనవరిలో బయటకు వచ్చిన ASI నివేదిక ఏం చెబుతోంది?


గ్యా నవాపి రహస్యాలను ఎంతో వివరంగా, ఆసక్తికరంగా, వివరిం చారు విక్ర మ్ సంపత్. పాఠకుల మనసు గెలుచుకునే, ఆలోచింపచేసే రచన. ఇదిగో, తెలుగులో మీకోసం.

Padma Bharatis

India, or Bharat, is a land of unparalleled diversity, a true chitraayana where the tapestry of life is woven with vibrant maanyata (respect) and maryaada (dignity). This nation, with its timeless unity in multiplexity, is a testament to a culture of cultures bonded by a rich tradition of creativity and ingenuity.


Padma Bharatis captures this essence through a collection of essays that spotlight the remarkable achievements of ordinary Indians. Over recent years, public recognition of these unsung heroes has witnessed a paradigm shift with Padma awardees increasingly representing the true diversity of the nation.


The stories within this book highlight the strength and resilience of people who bring sustainable change while honouring their cultural traditions and experiential knowledge passed down through generations. They are earthy, real, and often from rustic or smalltown backgrounds, embodying the core values of a civilization on its path to a sustainable and aspirational future. Padma Bharatis is a celebration of these incredible souls.

How To Get Into IAS

Welcome to India’s biggest and arguably the toughest examination—the UPSC Civil Services Examination. Clearing the exam is a painful journey—a battle, some might say—that requires tenacity, discipline, dedication, unwavering self-confidence, and hard work. While all losing battles have many things in common, a winning one has one: sound guidance. All unsurmountable goals are possible with a perfect companion and guide.


How to Get into IAS is that perfect companion and guide. It will:

  •  Educate you in detail about UPSC CSE pattern: Prelims, Mains, and interview.
  •  Explain the eligibility criteria and other important details.
  •  Help you in selecting an optional paper.
  •  Provide you tips on effective writing.
  •  Highlight important topics across subjects with an exhaustive list of reference books.
  •  Suggest tricks to solve comprehension questions and those related to logical and analytical reasoning.
  •  Act like your mentor and provide answers to all your queries related to UPSC CSE.
  •  Assist you in choosing a service and cadre.
  •  Give you an insight into the life of an IAS officer.
  •  Motivate you to achieve your ultimate dream of becoming an IAS officer.


Whether it is your first attempt or your last, this is the only book you will ever need. Even in moments of self-doubt, it will put you back on track and inspire you to stay focused.


So what are you waiting for? Make How to Get into IAS an integral part of your UPSC journey and see how it will help, motivate, and guide you in transforming your dream of becoming an IAS officer into reality.

Decolonizing Hinduism

History writing, especially of the subcontinent during the colonial era, is filled with preconception and misconception. Colonial historiography stripped Hinduism of its Hindu-ness and India of Bharat. Colonial historicity, according to the author, is merely descriptive and random interpretations of myths rather than engaging with the idea of mythmaking. Decolonizing Hinduism is an attempt to address that. In the book, the author places ecology, astronomy and timescale (yuga cycle) at the heart of the Hindu belief system.


These important dimensions of Hinduism are not taught in our history classes. Instead, perceptions about Hinduism are limited to polytheism, idol worship and caste system. The book tries to rescue Hinduism from these biases and give voice to a uniquely indigenous version of Hinduism. He does so by demystifying the deeper concepts of Hinduism and history with allegories drawn from modern technological innovation in the field of capitalist economy, artificial intelligence, quantum physics, block chain, etc., to make them interesting.

The Collector’s Mother

The Collector’s Mother is a story of grit and perseverance. An ‘unwanted’ woman from an underprivileged background is attacked and, along with her husband, dragged on the village road and humiliated, and the family’s land grabbed by a local land mafia. In the godforsaken village deep into the hinterland, such excesses are not uncommon, but her steely resolve makes her stand out. How she weathers through such soul-sapping encounters to beat all odds and inspires his son to become a collector is at the heart of this extraordinary story set against the backdrop of abject caste oppression, absence of rule of law, persistent traditional power structure, pitiable education system, food insecurity, drought, famine, lack of health care and communication, hatred and domination by fellow villagers.

Shared Roots

The Indosphere is a broad, expansive cultural and geographical category under the influence of ancient India. While India’s cultural reach beyond the subcontinent has a storied past, its relationship with Cambodia is all but forgotten. Shared Roots tries to plug that gap. Embark on a captivating odyssey through the vibrant currents that once flowed freely between India and Cambodia. Woven together by the threads of dharma, the Indosphere is a fascinating realm where kings exchanged not just spices but also ideas, where artists found inspiration in shared mythology and where spirituality transcended borders.


In this collection, seven authors from diverse fields meticulously plot the textures of this bilateral history, revealing the profound connection that shaped both the nations. From the echoing verses of the Reamker to the breathtaking grandeur of Angkor Wat, each page unveils the enduring legacy of this ancient bond.


But Shared Roots is more than just a historical journey. It is an invitation to rediscover the power and beauty of cultural exchange untainted by colonialism, a potent reminder that diversity is not just a feature but also an essential building block of a just society. Drawing upon meticulous research and captivating storytelling, this book ignites a conversation about civilizational revival, urging us to celebrate the past while embracing a future enriched by shared understanding.


The book is a stunning exploration of cultural fusion, a testament to the enduring power of enlightened values, and a call to action for a more vibrant world.

जीत मोदी शासन की

गहन शोध और विश्लेषण पर आधारित ‘जीत मोदी शासन की: समृद्धि के अभिनव पथ पर भारत’ पुस्तक मोदी सरकार की प्रमुख पहलों, सुधारों और नवाचारों का व्यापक विश्लेषण करती है, जिन्होंने भारत के सामाजिक, आर्थिक और राजनीति क परिदृश्य को बदलकर रख दिया है। महत्वाकांक्षी ‘मेक इन इंडिया’ अभियान से लेकर वस्तु एवं सेवा कर (जीएसटी) के माध्यम से कर प्रणाली में बड़े बदलाव तक, हर अध्याय एक ऐसे नेता की कहानी को प्रस्तुत करता है जिसने दुनिया के सबसे बड़े लोकतंत्र में शासन के मायने ही बदल दिए हैं।


यह पुस्तक न केवल मोदी सरकार की उपलब्धियों पर प्रकाश डालती है, बल्कि उनके कार्यकाल के दौरान सामने आई चुनौतियों और विवादों का भी समग्र मूल्यांकन करती है। यह उन सभी के लिए एक आवश्यक पुस्तक है जो भारत में हो रहे परिवर्तनों और प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की भूमि का को समझने में रुचि रखते हैं, जो देश के भविष्य को नया आकार देने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमि का निभा रहे हैं।

Reclaiming Bharatavarsha

Reclaiming Bharatavarsha is a collection of topical and exploratory essays organized around three broad themes. The first explores various facets of classical Bharatavarsha, which is defined as India before the advent of alien Islamic invaders and British colonisation. The second delves into the condition of an India under successive alien regimes. The impact of these regimes on our culture and society is contrasted with the conditions prevailing in the preceding classical era. The third studies the imprint of these bouts of foreign rule on contemporary national life. The three themes taken separately are complementary, and together they offer a scope for comparative analyses of the politics, culture, society, customs, and literature of different eras in the life of this ancient land.


From selected episodes drawn from the Puranas and the Mahabharata to the sacred history of the banana, from the 17th-century Bengali arrack to woke cinema, from the 1962 war with China to hair dyes, the book offers an eclectic mix of atypical essays, the narratives of which are filled with rare anecdotes and vivid details, all of which are backed by scholarly research.


The book also has a contemporary context—the unprecedented transformation of India over the last decade. A major outcome of this transformation is the surge in interest for recovering India’s national and civilizational past. This collective resurgence is an expression of cultural self-confidence, which had fallen by the wayside for centuries. Reclaiming Bharatavarsha is a humble addition to this national endeavour.

Rearming Hinduism

Rearming Hinduism is a handbook for intellectual resistance. Within its pages, Vamsee Juluri delivers a sharp and comprehensive examination of Hinduphobia pervasive in contemporary academia, media, and popular culture. Juluri not only exposes the Hinduphobic narrative’s denial of the profound truths and beauty within Hindu philosophy but also challenges its disregard for the inherent integrity and sacredness of the natural world. This book fearlessly dismantles prevalent misconceptions about nature, history, and ancient civilizations propagated by modern media while debunking Hinduphobic myths surrounding Aryans, invasions, and ritual practices. Through this critique, Rearming Hinduism draws connections between Hinduphobia and a culture marked by exploitation and self-destruction, suggesting that a revitalized Hindu perspective may offer a potent counterforce. It urges readers to envision the present through the lens of timeless principles, thereby uplifting our understanding of our land, time, and the enduring values of sanatana dharma.

Desires, Dreams and Powers

Desires, Dreams and Powers is a fascinating saga of the life and times of Tathagata Roy. Not many people may have traipsed into so many fields of life as Roy has. He has been a civil engineer, an encyclopaedic, a university teacher, a researcher, a contract lawyer, a politician, an author in two languages, an intrepid traveller and, lately, a history buff.


By writing about his times than his life, Roy covers truly eventful eight decades of a nation in transition, during which British rule transmogrified into the partitions of India and Bengal, the world around him transformed from writing with a quill pen to taming the personal computer and toying with AI, and politics from optimism to Naxalism to hope. His native West Bengal, the crucible of left ideology, finally exorcised the ghost of Marxism by overthrowing the Left Front united in 2011 after 34 years of unbroken communist rule. Through it all, he pranced into high school, segued into engineering college, got his first job with the Indian railways, taught at Jadavpur University, joined the Bharatiya Janata Party and capped it all up by becoming the governor of three north-eastern states of India.


The book is as much about the trajectory of a nation on the move as it is about Roy’s life. The parallel is unmissable.


How often have you been advised to follow the teachings of Krishna but wondered what those teachings were? Krishna-Niti: Timeless Strategic Wisdom brings forth eleven of the most important lessons delivered by Krishna at critical junctures in the Mahabharata. These practical lessons are different from the spiritual wisdom imparted to Arjuna in the celebrated Bhagavad-Gita. Whether negotiating for peace between the Kauravas and Pandavas, resolving internal conflicts in the Pandava camp, or inspiring Yudhishthira to rule as a Dharmaraja (righteous ruler) at the end of the Kuruskshetra war, Krishna emerges as the strategist par excellence, who is as worldly wise as he is spiritually enlightened.


Krishna’s instructions cover a wide range of subjects, including ethics, strategy, governance, policy, and above all dharma. However, throughout its wide scope, Krishna-Niti is governed by an underlying worldview, which can be summarised as jnana-karma-samuchchaya, or the right combination of knowledge and action to achieve the fourfold goals of human life. Krishna argues that karma is essential to life and natural order. Steadfastness in one’s karma is the key to the attainment of one’s goals whether material or spiritual. Escapism or inaction is not an option, neither is indecisiveness stemming from unending intellectual debates. In no case should one abandon one’s duty by citing a lack of good options.


Krishna’s role in the Mahabharata is not just as a knower of dharma (dharmajna) but as its upholder and institutor (dharma-samsthapaka). Therefore, unlike other great works on niti, Krishna’s instructions are not theoretical but have an immediate relation to the situation at hand. His guidance is always delivered to a particular character in the epic, especially in moments of crisis, internal dissension, or war. This implies that we get to see the principles of Krishna-Niti in action throughout the epic.


The authors, Kushagra Aniket and Nityananda Misra, draw upon their extensive research into the Mahabharata to present a unique gem of Nitishastra that is distilled from the quintessential Itihasa of India. They analyse Krishna’s practical wisdom through his interventions on numerous occasions. Rooted in the vision of the epic, Krishna-Niti: Timeless Strategic Wisdom paints the authentic picture of Krishna as a statesman—an enduring image that is deeply relevant to our times.

Whispers from the Past

Whispers from the Past is an overture to the history and culture of classical Kashmir, which for over a thousand years was one of the most creative places in the world. Through the book, the author hopes to acquaint the reader with Kashmir’s contributions to art and aesthetics, including drama, music, painting, sculpture, sciences, yoga, tantra, literature, and philosophy. The region’s culture was premised on the idea that universal consciousness binds humanity together, and knowing this at the individual’s level is fundamental to self-understanding and for creative growth. Classical Kashmiri artists appreciated great art not merely from its inherent cleverness points of view but for its capacity to inspire audiences to the source of creativity itself, and this entailed devotion to excellence and a robust tradition of criticism. The book explores the currents of intellectual life and the lives of prominent royals, writers, and sages, showing how Kashmiri scholars and travellers came to influence not only southern regions but also far-away lands beyond the Himalayas. It showcases Kashmir’s famed storytelling tradition through abridged tales from the Panchatantra, Kathā-sarit-sāgara, and Yoga Vāsiṣṭha, the last of which is arguably the greatest book of imagination and wisdom ever written on the conundrums of consciousness with unequalled clarity. Kashmiri aesthetics and the search for meaning in life resonate with modern sensibility

My Freedom of Expression

My Freedom of Expression is a collection of 22 articles published in recent years mostly by the Statesman newspaper. The anthology—varied in its themes ranging from Indic civilization to democracy, scientific temper to religious bigotry and identity to governance—is an exploration of what holds India back to become a global leader. The author picked some of contemporary’s most contentious topics, such as global warming, scientific marvels, the mysteries of life and the universe, cultural and religious superstitions, illusions and prejudices in the practise of science, and the importance of religion in society, and dissected them one by one with a rationalist knife. So what his writings essentially do is show a mirror to society. By being both accessible and arresting at once, the book deserves a place in everyone’s library.

प्रतीक्षा शिवाची

ज्या सहजतेने काशी किंवा वाराणसी आपल्या इतिहासाचे प्रचंड ओझे वाहते, तशी जगातील फार थोडी ठिकाणे असतील. ही नगरी आपल्या संस्कृतीच्या आत्म्याचे आणि शतकानुशतके आलेली विपरीत परिस्थिती, हल्ले सहन करूनही पुन्हापुन्हा उभी राहत आपल्या अपराजित वृत्तीचे दर्शन घडवते. 


 प्रतीक्षा शिवाचीकाशीज्ञानवापीच्या सत्याचा शोधया पुस्तकाच्या माध्यमातून विश्वेश्वर किंवा विश्वनाथाच्या रुपातील शिवाचा अधिवास असणाऱ्या काशीचा इतिहास, तिची प्राचीनता आणि पावित्र्याचे दर्शन घडते. जो या शहरात आपला देह ठेवतो त्याला मोक्ष मिळेल असे वचन प्रत्यक्ष शिव देतो. हे पुस्तक या स्वयंभू ज्योतिर्लिंग विश्वेश्वराच्या इतिहासाचा सखोल शोध घेते. आपल्या भक्तांचे आश्रयस्थान असलेले हे विश्वेश्वर मंदिर हे नेहमीच धर्मांध मूर्तीभंजकांच्या निशाण्यावर राहिलेले आहे. परंतु जेव्हा जेव्हा हे मंदिर उद्ध्वस्त करून त्याचे अस्तित्व पुसून टाकण्याचा प्रयत्न झाला तेव्हा तेव्हा हे मंदिर पुन्हा उभे राहिले आणि भरभराटीला आले. 


मंदिराच्या इतिहासातील या प्रलयंकारी घटनांचा लेखाजोखाप्रतीक्षा शिवाचीहे पुस्तक मांडते. जुलमी मुघल बादशाह औरंगजेबाने १६६९ मध्ये या मंदिरावर घातलेला घाव वर्मी बसला आहे. त्याने मंदिर फोडले आणि मंदिराच्या पश्चिमेकडील अर्धवट तुटलेल्या भिंतीवर घुमट उभे करून त्याला मशिदीचे रूप दिले. आज ज्याला ज्ञानवापी मशीद म्हणतात ती मशीद आणि त्याच्या आजूबाजूची आणि अठराव्या शतकात बांधल्या गेलेल्या नव्या विश्वनाथ मंदिराजवळची जागा यावरून नेहमीच वादंग माजलेला आहे. भूतकाळात या मुद्द्यावरून अनेक वेळा रक्तरंजित दंगली झाल्या आहेत. इंग्रजी सत्तेच्या काळातही या जमिनीच्या मालकी आणि ताब्याच्या मुद्द्यावरून अनेक वेळा ब्रिटिश न्यायालयांचे दरवाजे ठोठावले गेले आहेत, त्यासंबंधीचे खटले चालवले गेले आहेत. स्वातंत्र्यानंतरही हा पूर्ण परिसर मुक्त करावा अशी मनीषा हिंदूंच्या मनात कायमच वास करत आली आहे. २०२१ ला नव्याने दाखल करण्यात आलेल्या एका खटल्याने या फार काळापासून ठसठसणाऱ्या जखमेवरची खपली निघाली. भारतीय पुरातत्व विभागाकडून सर्वेक्षण होऊ नये यासाठी अगदी सर्वोच्च न्यायालयापर्यंत वारंवार अपीले करूनही हे सर्वेक्षण झाले आणि जानेवारी २०२४ मध्ये या सर्वेक्षणाने या पूर्ण प्रकरणातील सत्य उजेडात आणले. 


विक्रम संपतचे हे नवे पुस्तक या मंदिराचा बहुपेडी इतिहास, त्यात आलेली नाट्यमय वळणे, घडलेल्या गूढ घडामोडी, या जागेवरून झालेले कडाक्याचे वादविवाद या साऱ्या गोष्टी उलगडून दाखवते. कितीतरी काळ ज्ञानवापीमध्ये दडपून आणि लपवून ठेवलेल्या या गुपितांना या पुस्तकाच्या रूपाने वाचा फुटली आहे.


कहानी संग्रह के रूप में प्रस्तुतदेवदूतऐसी सच्ची घटनाओं का संग्रह है जिनमें जीवन से निराश व हताश लोगों के जीवन में एक अप्रत्याशित मोड़ आता है और किसी व्यक्ति के सहयोग से उनका नारकीय व दुखद जीवन सुख की लालिमा को देखने लगता है। देवदूत की कहानियों में वे ही घटनाएं चित्रित की गई हैं जो उन पात्रोंसे साक्षात्कार करते समय मुझे बतलाई गईं। 


इन कहानियों को खोजते हुए मैंने मानव विषाद व वंचनाओं को अति निकट से देखा एवं मेरी लेखनी ने उन सभी मार्मिक अनुभवों को एक क्रम में सजाने की कोशिश की है। 


देवदूत में एक ऐसे ही व्यक्ति के जनकल्याणकारी कार्यों का वर्णन है, जिनसे पीड़ितों व उपेक्षित लोगों को उनके बुरे समय में इलाज, वित्तीय सहायता, सम्मान, सुरक्षा, भोजन, वस्त्र, योजनाओं का लाभ आदि प्राप्त हुई और उनके जीवन का विषाद अचानक से कम हो गया। 


जैसेजैसे आप इस पुस्तक के पन्नों में चित्रित उन सच्ची घटनाओं को पढ़ेंगे, वैसेवैसे आपको उन पीड़ितों की पीड़ा और उनकी पीड़ा को हरने के लिए उनके जीवन में आये देवदूत के जनपरोपकारी कार्यों के बारे में पता चलेगा। 


Kashi: The Valiant History of a Sacred Geography tells the story of the most sacred of all Hindu holy cities through the prism of sacred geography as is extensively documented in the Sthala Purana. The book features a summary of the Kashi Khanda from the Skanda Purana, an ancient text on the divine origin and leela surrounding the kshetra of Kashi. The history of this kshetra is enriched by the accounts of warrior sadhus, sages, kings, queens, devotees and ordinary citizens who dedicated their lives to preserving and reviving this sacred geography by doggedly building and rebuilding temples, taking up arms against invaders, meticulously documenting Kashi’s history and lore, and tenaciously sustaining pilgrimage routes and practices covering the holy sites of this pivotal city.


In particular, the lesser-known story of the warrior sadhus who defended the Kashi Vishwanath temple from marauding invaders is explored through the lens of sacred geography. Studied in this light, Kashi is both a spatial and metaphysical contestation. The current controversy and litigation over the Gyanvapi site cannot therefore be satisfactorily resolved without taking recourse to the idea of sacred geography, which has since time immemorial informed Hindus and indigenous societies worldwide about their identity and the relevance of space and place, culture and metaphysics, civilization and the development of nationhood.

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