भारत के जनजातीय क्रान्तिवीर

भारतवर्ष को दासता के चंगुल से मुक्त कराने व स्वराज की स्थापना करने के लिए देश के असंख्य वीर सेनानियों व क्रांतिकारियों ने अपना जीवन भारत माता के चरणों में समर्पित किया है। किन्तु दुर्भाग्यवश, उनमें से बहुतसे योद्धा ऐसे हैं, जिन्हें मानक इतिहास पुस्तकों में किसी कारणवश उनका यथोचित नहीं मिल सका। यह बात देश के विभिन्न जनजातीय समुदायों से आने वाले क्रांतिवीरों के योगदान के विषय में और भी सटीकता से लागू होती है।


यह पुस्तक ऐसे ह जनजातीय क्रांतिवीरों की अल्पज्ञात अमरगाथाओं का यशोगान कर उन्हें जनसामान्य के समक्ष रखने एक छोटासा प्रयास है। अदम्य साहस, अतुलनीय शौर्य व अटूट स्वाभिमान से भर ये कथाएँ न केवल ज्ञानवर्द्धक हैं, अपितु सभी देशवासियों के लिए महान् प्रेरणास्रोत भी हैं।

Grit to Glory

‘Raising a regiment is like riding bareback. The struggle is harder; the sweat, toil and tears unending. The reward is confidence in our own abilities, an understanding and respect for the esprit de corps of the cavalry, and regimental pride.’


From the annals of Indian military history comes the glorious tale of the raising of 13 Armoured Regiment — India’s only armoured regiment raised with a unique class composition of Sikh, Rajput and South Indian Classes. Brigadier Balram Singh Mehta, a veteran of the 1971 war, was reverted from RAW by General A.S. Vaidya, then Chief of Army Staff, to raise 13 AR. The regiment was raised in December 1984, in the aftermath of Operation Blue Star, a time of national turmoil and security concerns in India. Through an engaging narrative, this book weaves together the many personal and professional challenges undertaken by the unit’s officers and its first commandant, Brigadier B.S. Mehta, for the unit to be declared fit for war and assigned to an infantry division. In January 1987 while two of its squadrons participated in the Republic Day Parade at New Delhi and Allahabad, 13 AR was mobilized at short notice and inducted into a Strike RAPID Formation deployed in the desert for Exercise Brasstacks under General Hanut Singh. Pakistan’s nervous response led to President Zia-ul-Haq deploying his Army Reserves opposite Punjab, creating a warlike situation that led to a moment of truth for the leadership in politics, diplomacy and the armed forces of both nations.

All Stray Dogs go to Heaven

Nitya is haunted by the pronouncement that he has “forgotten to live.” He leaves Suvastu, his childhood home, and the obsessive, matriarchal world of the Ammalkans to embark on journeys that will bring him in contact with the mercurial Umi whose life is vitalized by a strange discovery; Purusha, the revolutionary, who believes self-awareness must always be translated into action; the eccentric Govi who dreams of the red clouds of Jupiter; Aniyathi, whose attempt to build a life of her own is overtaken by violence and grief; and, most crucially of all, Chinma, the charismatic “guru” who seeks siddhis or psychic powers. A world of mango and biryani lovers, ghosts and philosophers, music and theyyams and calamitous natural disasters. A world full of stories about the secret worlds we inhabit. Stories that happened a long time ago and will most certainly happen again. Told from multiple perspectives and weaving past and present, dreams and reality, All Stray Dogs Go to Heaven is an astounding debut novel by Krishna Candeth. This unforgettable story explores the power of love, friendship, family, and the elusive idea of home, and compels us to revisit our own ideas of truth, the self and reality.

The Battle for IITs: A Defense of Meritocracy

The IITs are under attack.

This has serious legal implications and severe consequences for the IITs across India, its students, and faculty. More broadly, it impacts India’s engineering education. Such concerted attacks will follow the IIT engineer and other tech professionals to their workplace anywhere in the world. Harvard University’s Woke machinery is behind this attack and we need to understand the sophistication that backs it.

This book’s evidence-based rebuttal gives IITians and other engineers the toolkit to tackle false accusations of being casteist bigots.

The Power of Future Machines: Essays on Artificial Intelligence

The Power of Future Machines is a collection of essays by experts exploring the future impact of Artificial Intelligence in various fields of human endeavor. Building upon the dialectical and analytical framework provided in the book Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds, experts from various fields (military, geopolitics, strategic affairs, physics, policy, and others) engage and describe for a wider audience the potential impact of AI. Given their specific vantage points and deriving from their areas of expertise, this anthology makes for a fascinating read. The essays discuss how AI will affect policy making, both in narrow areas of expertise as well as its effect on humanity at large. Aimed at policy makers, experts and a broader audience, these varied perspectives on AI add something vital to the current skewed AI discourse.

Varna, Jati, Caste: A Primer on Indian Social Structures

A Primer on Indian Social Structures Caste is being used as a major weapon to shame Hindus. This crisp and easy primer presents a powerful counter to Western Universalism’s harsh attacks on caste. It is a long over-due toolkit to help all open-minded people gain an understanding of the subtleties of Hinduism’s complex social order. This social structure has, after all, produced a civilization with unparalleled diversity. The Vedic world view along with the historical journey of Varna and Jati demolishes the prevailing myths about caste.

Of Newtons and Apples

Evocatively titled, Of Newtons and Apples: Insights into 50 Great Minds in Human History does exactly what it promises. It gives us a glimpse into the professional and personal lives of 50 great personalities whose names, in some cases, are a part of everyday conversation, while in others, they are familiar names about whom we know little.


Just the way the falling of an apple led to major discoveries by Newton, this work tries to identify sources of the genius of the personalities across human history. These men and women were either creators or those who redefined the course of history in their field of work. Interestingly, each article focuses on a major achievement and one aspect of their personal lives. Such sharpness makes the articles short, engaging and, in many cases, poetic.


The classification of personalities into Building, Doing and Thinking gives us new eyes to look at them once again and debate within ourselves, the fuzzy boundaries that exist between these three primary human activities.

Probashir Golpo Shongroho

Probashir Golpo Shongroho, a collection of more than 20 short stories, is a continuation of Bimal Chakravartty’s tales that began in his debut book, Jana Awjanar Majhe. Bengali is a sweet language – almost poetic – and these tales, each with a hint of a moral – right from ‘if you love someone then don’t hide it’ to ‘destruction has a music that is its very own for it heralds the beginning of something new’; from ‘sorry is still one of the hardest words to say’ to ‘widow remarriage continues to be a taboo’ – all add the right aroma to this book. The author might not have lived in Kolkata for many years, but his tales have the Kolkata flavour – it is anything but probashi. Read this collection of very simply told tales to appreciate youthful writing, where seriousness gets effortlessly interwoven with humour, written by a quintessential Bengali. If you know the bliss of eating bhaat-daal on a Sunday afternoon, then read the book, and if you don’t know, then read it and find out.

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