
He is a computer scientist by profession, with expertise in the fields of AI and related technologies. Apart from technology consulting for startups, he is also actively involved with research initiatives at Infinity Foundation. His research and practical interests in the extant civilizational encounters have been to formalize and enable the reification of the dharma dialectic and its related semantics in the socio-cultural space.

T. N. Sudarshan

He is a computer scientist by profession, with expertise in the fields of AI and related technologies. Apart from technology consulting for startups, he is also actively involved with research initiatives at Infinity Foundation. His research and practical interests in the extant civilizational encounters have been to formalize and enable the reification of the dharma dialectic and its related semantics in the socio-cultural space.

Author's books

The Power of Future Machines: Essays on Artificial Intelligence

The Power of Future Machines is a collection of essays by experts exploring the future impact of Artificial Intelligence in various fields of human endeavor. Building upon the dialectical and analytical framework provided in the book Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds, experts from various fields (military, geopolitics, strategic affairs, physics, policy, and others) engage and describe for a wider audience the potential impact of AI. Given their specific vantage points and deriving from their areas of expertise, this anthology makes for a fascinating read. The essays discuss how AI will affect policy making, both in narrow areas of expertise as well as its effect on humanity at large. Aimed at policy makers, experts and a broader audience, these varied perspectives on AI add something vital to the current skewed AI discourse.