
Kashi: The Valiant History of a Sacred Geography tells the story of the most sacred of all Hindu holy cities through the prism of sacred geography as is extensively documented in the Sthala Purana. The book features a summary of the Kashi Khanda from the Skanda Purana, an ancient text on the divine origin and leela surrounding the kshetra of Kashi. The history of this kshetra is enriched by the accounts of warrior sadhus, sages, kings, queens, devotees and ordinary citizens who dedicated their lives to preserving and reviving this sacred geography by doggedly building and rebuilding temples, taking up arms against invaders, meticulously documenting Kashi’s history and lore, and tenaciously sustaining pilgrimage routes and practices covering the holy sites of this pivotal city.


In particular, the lesser-known story of the warrior sadhus who defended the Kashi Vishwanath temple from marauding invaders is explored through the lens of sacred geography. Studied in this light, Kashi is both a spatial and metaphysical contestation. The current controversy and litigation over the Gyanvapi site cannot therefore be satisfactorily resolved without taking recourse to the idea of sacred geography, which has since time immemorial informed Hindus and indigenous societies worldwide about their identity and the relevance of space and place, culture and metaphysics, civilization and the development of nationhood.


In his debut book, Biswaroop offers an insight into career lessons he has learned in his long years of managing organisations and talent. Through a collection of reflections and musings, he invites readers to join him on a journey of discovery, reflection and growth. He brings with him the perspective of an experienced practitioner who is passionate about making a difference in organisations and the lives of the employees.


From navigating leadership to fostering a positive organisational culture and managing uncertainty and change to crafting strategic talent agenda, each reflection offers a unique perspective on various dimensions of managing organisations and talent in today’s ever-evolving workplace landscape. Whether you’re an HR professional seeking inspiration, a business leader looking to understand the intricacies of HR management or simply curious about the inner workings of human resources, this book provides a gem of a lesson to all those interested in people and talent management.

प्रतीक्षा शिव की ज्ञान वापी काशी के सत्य का उद्घाटन

दुनिया में कुछ ही ऐसी जगहें हैं जो इतनी सहजता से इतिहास का भार वहन कर पाती हैं, जितना काशी या वाराणसी ने किया है। यह पवित्र शहर हमारी सभ्यता की आत्मा का प्रतीक है और उस लचीलेपन का प्रतीक है जो हमने सदियों से कई प्रतिकूलताओं और घातक हमलों का सामना करते हुए प्रदर्शित किया है।


‘प्रतीक्षा शिव की: ज्ञान वापी काशी के सत्य का उद्घाटन’ विश्वेश्वर या विश्वनाथ रूपी भगवान शिव की निवास स्थली के रूप में काशी के इतिहास, प्राचीनता और पवित्रता को पुनः प्रस्तुत करती है। शिव ने स्वयं अपने भक्तों को आश्वासन दिया था कि यदि वे अपनी नश्वर कुण्डली का इस शहर में करेंगे तो उन्हें मोक्ष प्राप्त होगा। यह पुस्तक विश्वेश्वर के इस स्वयं-प्रकट स्वयंभू ज्योतिर्लिंग मंदिर के इतिहास पर प्रकाश डालती है, जो सदियों से भक्तों के लिए शरणस्थली भी रही है और मूर्तिभंजन की रक्तरंजित लहरों का लक्ष्यभी रही है। हालाँकि, जब भी मंदिर को ध्वस्तकर उसे नष्ट करने का प्रयास किया गया, यह और भी तीव्र उत्थान तथा वैभव के साथ लोकजीवन के समक्ष प्रकट हुआ।


यह पुस्तक मंदिर के इतिहास में घटित इन प्रलयकारी घटनाओं का दस्तावेजीकरण करती है। मंदिर को अंतिम आघात 1669 में मुगल शासक औरंगज़ेब द्वारा दिया गया, जिसने मंदिर को खंडित कर, इसे मस्जिद कहे जाने के लिए आंशिक रूप से नष्ट हुई पश्चिमी दीवार पर कुछ गुंबद खड़े कर दिए। वह क्षेत्र जिसे अब ज्ञान वापी मस्जिद कहा जाता है और आसपास की भूमि जो कि विश्वनाथ के नए मंदिर के निकट स्थित है, 18वीं शताब्दी के अंत में बनी थी तथा यह हमेशा से तीव्र विवाद का विषय रही है। इस मुद्देको लेकर वाराणसी में पहले भी कई बार खूनी दंगे हो चुके हैं। औपनिवेशिक युग के दौरान, क़ब्ज़े के मुद्दे को निपटाने के लिए ब्रिटिश अदालतों के दरवाजे खटखटाए गए और उन्होंने कई बार इस मामले पर अपना निर्णय भी दिया। स्वतंत्रता के बाद भी, इस परिसर को ‘मुक्त’ कराने की इच्छा हिंदू मन-मानस में पनपती रही है। ऐसे में वाराणसी सिविल कोर्ट के समक्ष 2021 में दायर एक नए मुकदमे ने लंबे समय से चले आ रहे ऐतिहासिक घाव को फिर से हरा कर दिया। याचिका को खारिज करने के लिए सुप्रीम कोर्ट में कई अपीलों के बावजूद, भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण (एएसआई) को इस परिसर के सर्वेक्षण का आदेश दिया गया, जिसने जनवरी 2024 में अपने निष्कर्षों के माध्यम से सच्चाई को उजागर किया।


विक्रम संपत की यह नवीनतम पेशकश इस विवादित स्थल के लंबे इतिहास और इस प्राचीन मंदिर के विचित्र अतीत में आए नाटकीय मोड़ और बदलावों की याद दिलाती है। ज्ञान वापी में लंबे समय से दबे हुए रहस्यों को अंततः इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से आवाज मिलती है।

Stalled Wheels of Justice

‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ is a legal maxim that is often used to buttress the need for speedy justice. But what do we make of justice if it is served to a humble postman accused of stealing 57 rupees and 60 paise or a poor bus conductor charged with siphoning off 5 paise after legal battles that lasted for 29 years and 41 years, respectively? What do we make of justice if it costs so much that a retired senior bureaucrat and a senior Supreme Court judge say that they cannot afford the cost of litigation?


What comes closest to this idea of manifest injustice is ‘justice delayed’ and ‘unequal access to justice’. There are various impediments and roadblocks to the dispensation of justice that can be termed as fair. Many of them are beyond the control of the judiciary itself. But a Bharat envisioning to become developed by 2047 needs to have a judiciary enabled by technology, guided by integrity, and motivated to provide quick relief. Piled-up case files, vacant judicial positions, and crumbling spaces cannot be the hallmark of a ‘nation on the move’. To clear these impediments, a concerted effort is required from all the stakeholders starting from government to litigants to the bar and the bench.


The judiciary needs to be sophisticated and driven by the zeitgeist of high productivity, and judges need to have modern courtrooms so they can deliver justice swiftly. Stalled Wheels of Justice is not a commentary on law. That is something best left to jurists, lawyers, and constitutional experts. This is the story of law not being able to transform into justice. This is the story of denied insaaf and delayed nyaya. This is the story of a process that the author witnessed as a court reporter—a process that former chief justice of India N.V. Ramana equated with punishment. When the process itself becomes the punishment, poor justice-seekers become the first victims. Even when relief and judgments come forth, they are often empty of substance for they are pyrrhic victories. Much has been said and written from the points of view of persons in black robes, university professors, and intellectuals. But what about from men and women of the country who bore the heavy burden of injustice? This is the story of a faulty process, solvable unsolved problems, and, above all, of people at the end of the spectrum.


Nastik chronicles the transformative journey of a modern Indian sceptic who initially embraced Western neo-atheism. It begins with the protagonist’s disillusionment with religious dogma and his subsequent adoption of Western neo-atheism, characterized by a staunch denial of theism and a critique of religion’s influence on society.


As the narrative unfolds, he encounters the rich tapestry of Indian philosophy. He discovers the nuanced perspectives of nastik schools of thought in Indian tradition, such as Charvaka, Jainism and certain interpretations of Buddhism, which reject the authority of the Vedas and the existence of a creator god yet engage deeply with ethical and philosophical questions. His transformation into a nastik and Nirishvarwaadi is marked by an appreciation for the complexity of Eastern scepticism, which often intertwines with spiritual and moral considerations unlike the more direct and often materialistic scepticism prevalent in the West. The book delves into the differences between Western and Eastern scepticism, highlighting how Eastern traditions offer a nuanced view that accommodates doubt within a spiritual framework.


As his worldview evolves, he critiques the emergence of neo-atheism’s successor, ‘wokeism’, which he argues marks a shift from scepticism to a new form of dogmatism. He argues that neo-atheism inadvertently paved the way for wokeism by undermining traditional structures without offering a sustainable alternative, leading to a vacuum that wokeism has filled with its own set of moral certainties.


At the penultimate stage, the protagonist explores the concept of Hindu scepticism, which is considered part of the broader Hindu tradition. The inclusiveness of this tradition highlights the unique ability of dharma to absorb various strands of thought. As the narration closes, he learns that at the heart of dharmic traditions lies a commitment to mutual respect, reciprocity and ahimsa (non-violence), which have allowed for a diverse array of beliefs and practices to coexist and flourish within the Indian philosophical landscape.

Invaders and Infidels

Invaders and Infidels: From Sindh to Delhi: The 500-Year Journey of Islamic Invasions is a work of gripping history, which tells the story of the origins and trajectory of Islamic invasions into India. It begins with the first Muslim conquest and ends with Babur’s invasion of Hindustan, spanning the period of the Delhi Sultanate which was in power for almost 320 years. This epochal story encompasses a vast sweep of events, which changed the history of India forever, and introduced it to an alien faith and a religious despotism such as the country had never experienced before. It comprises major and minor sagas of great heroism, untold savagery, stout resistance, brutal intrigues and epic tragedies.


Embedded in this narrative are two major themes, largely overlooked in the inherited Indian historical and cultural memory. For more than three hundred years, alien Muslim invasions into India were largely fleeting, transitory and unstable. However, the lasting legacy of these Muslim invasions is the permanent destruction and disappearance of Classical India. Invaders and Infidels will fascinate anyone interested in the story of pre-Medieval India, a gateway era in the history of this ancient culture and civilisation.


The word ‘Bangaliyana’ roughly means ‘the Bengali way of life’. Bangaliyana, the book, is a delightful look at the author’s experience of life through his doodles and cartoons. Each page is infused with the vibrant spirit of Bengali culture, cuisine, and language from the author’spoint of view.


Being a probashi Bengali, the author straddles the ‘native’ and the ‘cosmopolitan’ effortlessly and shares a unique perspective of the intersection by blending personal anecdotes with humour. The heart of the book beats with humour because of a delightful medley of doodles and cartoons. Over the span of the last decade, the author, a self-taught cartoonist, dedicated most of his weekends cartooning. Among numerous cartoons he created during this period, his exploration of Bengalis and Bangaliyana filled one of his sketchbooks up to the brim. It was within those pages that the seed of inspiration for this book took roots.


The book defies being pigeonholed into a single genre. It is part memoir and part short story/humour. While everyday situations have provided a rich repository of ideas for the sketches, the book also captures moments of nostalgia from the author’s growing-up years. It allowed him to dig deep into his memory bank to fish out stories that most probashis will instantly relate to. Bangaliyana is not a critique of Bangla or Bengali culture but a tribute to the spirit of a true-blue Bengali. Whether you are a probashi or simply curious about the Bengali way of life, this book promises a heartfelt laugh.


Shiva kathas are strewn like bright gems across the antiquated treasure chests of the Vedas, Itihasas, Maha Puranas, Sthala Puranas, and folklore. Adideva: 25 Legends behind His 25 Names is a collection of twentyfive enchanting legends about Shiva retold in opulent detail keeping true to the original texts and temple lore. Each tale is supplemented by captivating verses of many saint-poets and photos of intricate sculptures and art, illuminating the adoration of our ancestors for each of the divine manifestations of Adideva. From the well-known stories of Neelakantha, Uma Maheshwara, and Rameshwara, the riveting narratives of Tripurantaka, Sharabeshwara, and Kirata, the poignant accounts of Grishneshwara, Mrtyunjaya, and Matrubhuteshwara to the profound contemplations of Dakshinamurti and Arunachala, the chosen stories are filled with navarasas, and evoke wonder and adoration for Mahadeva. Embedded within these narratives are subtle teachings of dharma and adhyatma—inspiring a journey towards selfdiscovery. Most importantly, they are the easiest and sweetest ways to cultivate Shiva bhakti, which is the immediate cure for samsara.

Ram Janmabhoomi

 जो सभ्यता अपने संघर्षों को भूल जाती है, वह अपनी गलतियों की पुनरावृत्ति और आत्मविनाश के दुश्चक्र ें फंसने को अभिशप्त होती है। स्वतंत्रता की लड़ा, िपत्य तथा अत्याचारों के िलाफ प्रतिरो अक्सर साहिक स्मृियों से गाब हो जाते हैं और उत्पीड़न की बोझ तले, नगढ़ंत कथाओं द्वारा हिंदू पहचान को मिटाने के व्यवस्थित प्रासों के ाध्यसे उन स्मृियों की चुंली कर दी जाती हैं। भारत की पवित्र भौगोलिक संरचना, हिंदू धर्म के उद्ग्थल और हिंदू लोगों की पैतृक भूमि, लगातार हुए आक्रणों के साक्षी हैं, जिसने साहिानस पर अमिट घाव छोड़े हैं। 


रा जन्मभूमि आंदोलन हिंदू सभ्यता की जड़ों पर हुए प्रहार और इसे पुनः प्राप्त करने के दुर्धर्ष संघर्ष का एक जीवंत एवं र्मिक दस्तावेज है। शस्त्र आारित आख्यानों के प्रभुत्व वाले ुग ें, जहां अत्याचार करने वालों को पीड़ित का और पीड़ितों को उत्पीड़क का ताज पहनाा जाता है, ह पुस्तक आंदोलन के उदात्त संघर्ष ें अनगिनत हिंदुओं के अश्रु, ्वेद और रक्त से लिखी बेबाक सच्चाों का स्मरण कराती है। ह पुस्तक इस बात की अनुस्मािका भी है कि इस ुग ें जन्मा प्रत्येहिंदू, उन विपदाओं, कष्टों और उन लोगों द्वारा किए गए बलिदानों को कभी न भूले जो उनसे पहले हुए हैं। यदि जानेअनजाने भूल जाते हैं, तो अपनी हान सभ्यता के विनाश के भागीदार होंगे। 

Whispers of the Unseen

Whispers of the Unseen: The Quest for Sixty-Four Yoginis redefines spirituality beyond conventional religious norms, rituals and practices. It attempts to forge a connection with the essence of life forms and take the reader through a spiritual exploration of the dynamic interplay and union of masculine and feminine energies. Through her paintings, the artistauthor revisits the cultural significance, richness and symbolism of the sixty-four yoginis. The narrative delves deep into the realm of feminine power, drawing out the most pivotal manifestation of its expressive roles in our lives and integrating the practices of spirituality into our everyday existence. It prods the reader to relish life’s simple moments and to cherish the intersectionality of quotidian life. This will, according to her, allow them access to ancient spiritual practices in contemporary time, leading to increased awareness and mindfulness in daily life. It encourages readers to embrace connecting with the divine, tapping into a higher power and uncovering the creative force within.

Snakes in the Ganga

Snakes in the Ganga unveils uncomfortable truths concerning India’s vulnerabilities:

  • Intense warfare against India’s integrity is the work of a wellorchestrated global machinery driven by a new ideology.
  • Marxism has been reincarnated as critical race theory in US academia and serves as the framework to address America’s racism. This has been recklessly mapped on to India: Caste is equated with Race. Marginalized communities of India are considered as Blacks and Brahmins as the Whites of India. Groups claiming grievances (like Muslims and LGBTQ+) are artificially clubbed together.
  • Popularly called the woke movement, the mission is to dismantle Indian civilization and heritage by waging an uncompromising war against India’s government, educational institutions, culture, industry, and society.
  • Harvard University is ground zero of these social theories developed in collaboration with Indian scholars, activists, journalists, and artists. This represents a clear and present danger to India’s sovereignty and national security.
  • Several Indian elites are hoisting Harvard as the vishwa guru with their money and family names. Some private universities within India are importing wokeism that has serious repercussions for India’s stability.
  • Indian corporates are bringing the latest Western rubric of environmental, social, and governance ratings into their workplaces. This is aligned with the global social justice movement.
  • China has exploited this latest infrastructure as a passage to India.
  • Wokeism has penetrated some of the Indian government’s policies. For instance, the National Education Policy 2020 is propagating Harvard’s liberal arts.
  • An entire ecosystem of ideologies, institutions, and young leaders is emerging for the recolonization of India.


Is India for sale?


In this paperback edition, the back matter has been trimmed to shed some weight in the interest of portability. Readers can, however, still access it by scanning the QR code printed after the last chapter.

Bharat Rising

India became politically independent in 1947, but for economic freedom it had to wait for another four decades until P.V. Narasimha Rao, in tandem with Dr Manmohan Singh, chaperoned the country’s liberalization process in the summer of 1991. In 2014, another seismic revolution unravelled, the contours of which are still being drawn. For the first time, a ‘new India’ had not just seen an alternative model of governance that is truly divorced from the Nehruvian ethos but also initiated a process of democratization and decolonization of the largely ‘elitist, insular and compromised’ Lutyens’ world.


Argumentative and deeply researched, Bharat Rising combines the narrative style of journalism and the rigour and discipline of academia. It is as much about the resetting of Lutyens’ world as it is about a new India shedding its traditional distrust, if not distaste, for the country’s civilizational and cultural past.

Waiting for Shiva

Few places in the world carry the heavy burden of history as effortlessly as Kashi, or Varanasi, has. The holy city embodies the very soul of our civilization and personifies the resilience that we have displayed over centuries in the face of numerous adversities and fatal attacks.


Waiting for Shiva: Unearthing the Truth of Kashi’s Gyan Vapi recreates the history, antiquity and sanctity of Kashi as the abode of Bhagwan Shiva in the form of Vishweshwara, or Vishwanath. Shiva himself assured his devotees of salvation if they leave their mortal coils in the city. The book delves into the history of this self-manifested swayambhu jyotirlinga shrine of Vishweshwara, which for centuries has been both a refuge for the devout and a target of the bloodiest waves of iconoclasm. However, each time an attempt was made to obliterate the temple by demolishing it, it managed to rise and prosper. Every iconoclastic storm was followed by an episode of persistence, tenacity and stubborn resolve. Shrines fell and shrines rose, but the Hindus of Kashi never gave up—not even once.


Waiting for Shiva documents these cataclysmic events in the temple’s history. The final death blow was dealt in 1669 by the Mughal despot Aurangzeb, who demolished the temple and erected few domes on the partially destroyed western wall to call it a mosque. The temple complex was desecrated and left strewn with ruins as a grim reminder of the humiliation and insult that Hindus had to face as a consequence of their holiest shrine being torn down to smithereens. The area that is now called the Gyan Vapi mosque and the surrounding land that lies adjacent to the new temple of Vishwanath, which came up towards the end of the 18th Century, has always been one of intense contestation. Bloody riots overran Varanasi over this issue multiple times in the past. During the colonial era, the doors of the British courts were knocked at to settle the occupancy issue, and they adjudicated the matter several times. Post-Independence, too, the desire to ‘liberate’ the complex has been seething in the Hindu imagination. A new suit filed in 2021 before the Varanasi civil court reopened a long-festering historical wound. Despite several appeals right up to the Supreme Court to dismiss the plaint, a survey by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) was ordered, which would lay bare the truth in its findings by the end of 2023.


Vikram Sampath’s latest offering retraces the long history of this bitterly disputed site and the dramatic twists and turns in the checkered past of this hoary shrine. Piecing together numerous documents and accounts—Vedic and Puranic texts, Sanskrit literary sources, Agama shastras, Jataka tales, Persian accounts, travelogues of foreigners, archival records and copious legal documents detailing the contestation from the British era to modern Indian courts—the book recreates, for the first time with facts and cogent arguments, this stormy history right up to the present times. The long-suppressed secrets that lay hidden in Gyan Vapi finally finds a voice through this book.

India and The Changing World Order

India and the Changing World Order breaks free from conventional boundaries, delving fearlessly into the realms of emerging civilisational, religious, and historical matters. Its purpose lies in sparking essential conversations about broader matters, such as civilisational, cultural, and social diversity issues that have been overlooked in the shaping of the post-World War II and post-Cold War global order. As the existing global order confronts unprecedented challenges, this book serves as a catalyst, fuelling a discourse that captures the essence of a rapidly evolving world.


Through a comparative study, the book offers fresh insights into the contrasting approaches of short-termist liberal democracies and long-termist autocratic China, shedding light on the distinctive qualities of a liberal and civilisational democracy as exemplified by India. Within its illuminating pages, the reader will uncover the critical challenges that Indian democracy faces while navigating the complexities of its relationship with both autocratic China and the liberal West. Additionally, the book examines the fundamental differences between market economics and market societies. It artfully unravels contemporary geopolitical, geo-economic, and geo-strategic issues, offering intricate analyses of India’s strategic connections with select nations and its ever-growing ties with the USA. Moreover, it dares to propose innovative solutions like astronomy-based education as a means to foster conflict resolution.


With an invitation that resonates deeply, India and the Changing World Order calls upon the reader to partake in a discourse that re-evaluates the past, contextualizes the present, and ultimately shapes the trajectory of our shared future.

Probashir Golpo Songroho

When suave writing is interwoven with simplicity, then we get a book like Probashir Golpo Shongroho. A collection of 21 stories from the author of the much-appreciated autobiography, Jana Awjanar Majhe, they peek into the author’s life, his thoughts, and his soul. The stories are layered beauties – how else would you explain a horror story speaking of ‘sorry is still so tough to say’ or the tale of how the author had gotten saved from many neardeath experiences talking subtly about ‘when the Lord protects us, we can defy death’. Each story is not more than three to four pages long, but the music that he plays with the words, moving from one note to another, surprising the reader with the unexpected, shows the deftness of the author’s writing skills. He might be a fan of the stalwarts of Bengali literature, but he, himself, is definitely one too.

The Vaccine War

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, Dr Bhargava, the director general of Indian Council of Medical Research, assembles a crack team of India’s most brilliant minds, including Dr Nivedita Gupta, Dr Priya Abraham and Dr Pragya Yadav. Together they mount a mission to save humanity from the unseen enemy. The challenges they face are daunting. They must navigate the treacherous waters of international diplomacy and deal with excessive bureaucratic control. Often enough, they find themselves battling against time and misinformation fuelled by fake news. Along the way, they are forced into moral dilemmas to make life-ordeath decisions that affect the nation and its people. As they work tirelessly to develop and distribute a vaccine against the deadly coronavirus that threatened to ravage India, they face opposition from foreign interests and intense scrutiny from the media. The Vaccine War is an inspiring tale of scientific ingenuity, perseverance and the triumph of the human spirit. It celebrates the heroes who fought relentlessly behind the scenes to protect their nation and offers a poignant reminder that unity and science can overcome even the most formidable challenges.

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