The Fighting Fourth

Fighting Fourth or 4th Battalion, The Kumaon Regiment, raised in 1788, has fought and etched its name in the annals of Indian military history with honour and pride. From fighting the Pindaris to quelling the Boxer Rebellion in Hong Kong, the battalion saw extensive action in both the World Wars and the Indo-Pak War of 1947–48, where the gallant actions of the unit saved Kashmir Valley for the Indian Union and changed the course of history in the region. Brigadier Jasbir presents an intimate, personal account of the glorious history of this fine battalion that has contributed no less than two Chiefs of Staff of the Indian Army and is among the most highly-decorated ones.

Sri Aurobindo & The Literary Renaissance of India

This book is a significant addition to the growing body of literature on Sri Aurobindo. Dr. Singh delves deep into the works of Sri Aurobindo to present a compelling and fascinating collage of the philosopher’s multifaceted and multidimensional genius: Sri Aurobindo as seer and mystic, as visionary and poet, as writer, translator, linguist and critic, and as India’s first spiritual nationalist. Sri Aurobindo, as this book declares, a true fountainhead of India’s literary renaissance, needs to be discovered and better appreciated not just in India, but globally, and Dr Singh has given an incredible tribute to the saint with this exceptional book.

Design: A Business Case Thinking, Leading and Managing by Design

How to stimulate innovation in your organization as a constantly ongoing process? How to bridge the complementary skills that exist in your organization? What leads to an integration of mind, matter, image and identity? Design: A Business Case can lead you to the answers of all of this and more. It combines the intellectual frameworks of Design Thinking, the operational and implementing mechanisms of Design Management as well as the skills of Design that embody these two. 


Design Thinking inspires, Design Management enables, Design embodies. This book aims to reconcile the three and encourage organizational and professional environments in which their combined forces can thrive and succeed.

War Despatches 1971

This book is a lucid retelling of the triumphs, the many horrors, the challenges, and the many battles the soldiers fought and won within and outside, to put India first. A young officer who was taken prisoner, a Naval captain who left home days before his wedding, the fond memory of a martyred Lance Naik who threw himself before the enemy to help win a bigger battle, and so on. Fifty years later, Brig. B. S. Mehta brings together accounts from 29 brave Indian soldiers of the Eastern and Western Sector on what it meant to be young and in the line of fire.

March to Justice

March to Justice: Global Military Law Landmarks is an anthology of twenty-five short essays and commentaries by eminent jurists, judges and academics from around the world on governance, military law and human rights. It talks of diverse and pathbreaking judicial decisions that changed the course of military law in several jurisdictions and in different nations. It also brings to the fore some noteworthy lessons from these experiences, in addition to facilitating a comparative analysis. Articulated in simple, non-scholarly language for a layperson, this book is a must-have for the intrigued reader of texts on military, law, politics, public policy, governance and human rights.

Chhutti Ke Din

अब एक नयी पुस्तकछुट्टी के दिनआपके हाथों में हैं| मातृभाषा की सेवा में डॉक्टर परीक्षित सिंह जी और कल्याण सिंह जी शेखावत के साथ| एक नयी जुगलबंदी हिन्दी और राजस्थानी की|जिसमें ढूंढ़े बिना ही सम्पूर्ण राजस्थान की महक मिलेगी|

Identity’s Last Secret

“Identity’s Last Secret is Makarand R. Paranjape’s most audacious work in mixed media, bringing together many of his avatars in one along with a ‘graphic’ art that builds upon his lifetime of creative adventures. It is a visual poem in the tradition of concrete poetry by George Herbert and Dylan Thomas. With its simple and elegant brushwork, it alludes deftly to the Japanese art of Sumi-E. It, also, recreates the ancient art of tantric scrolls while mandalas and yantras depict the inwardized space of a yogi’s consciousness and the rhythms of accompanying verse bring a synesthesia of sound and vision.” —Pariksith Singh, MD

Jana Awjanar Majhe

Jana Awjanar Majhe is a reflection of the author’s journey of life. It depicts his retrospective feeling about his past, and he tries to bring back those golden days in the mirror of the present. Having spent most of his childhood and adolescence in Kashi, the details of old Kashi are vibrant in the book.

Swayam Se Parichay

यह पुरातन ही नहीं आधुनिक भी है, छंदिक भी है तो मुक्त भी, आदर्शवादी भी है तो रहस्यमय भी, प्रयोगवादी भी है तो आध्यात्मिक भी | यह हृदय और मन को ही संतुष्ट नहीं करता, बल्कि कहीं उन गहराईयों को भी छू लेता है जिन्हें हम आत्मिक या चैत्य पौरुषिक कह सकते हैं। इसमें एक नए पद्य का उद्घोष है जिसमे गूढ़तम बातें हास्य के हल्केपन और सखा भाव की सरलता से कही गई हैं।

Somewhere Among the Stars

“When I first shared this story with a monk-friend, he asked me why I wrote it as fiction and not biography. Many others who read this book may have the same query. So let me share: the first reason was the most obvious one — Ahana hardly lived an outer life, her entire life unfolded within, in her consciousness. Outwardly, her biography could be written in a single paragraph: She was born in India, in the early sixties, to academic parents and grew up in a university environment. She met a young man when she turned eighteen, perhaps fell in love, and left her studies and social life to live in an obscure ashram in the Himalayas and explore Vedanta. She then left the ashram and came to Almora, a small Himalayan town, where she lived alone in a cottage.


Inwardly, however, Ahana’s life was rich, fascinating, multihued, multilayered, profoundly inspiring. The more I discovered and understood of her life, the more I realized how much is possible, and how much the human being can attain, in a single lifetime — none could come to her and remain unchanged. So how does one write a biography of such a being?


 And second, as I discovered in writing this book, a biography ties you down to facts and timelines while fiction can free you of all such needless fetters. Ahana’s life, I feel, is the stuff poetry is made of.”

The Eternal Feminine

A woman is not just a form and a figure; though her form itself is significant of deep-guarded secrets and the capacity to create marvels out of a seed state. She is the Force, Shakti, Wisdom, Strength, Beauty, Love, Delight that is everywhere and in all beings. This book is not just an attempt to discover and evoke her through myths and legends of India, but to unravel the mysteries of the ‘Eternal Feminine’ with a view to discover the truth behind what a woman truly represents as seen through the awakened eyes of the mystics and the spiritual culture of India.

Sri Aurobindo and Philosophy

This book delves deep into the works of Sri Aurobindo to present a compelling and fascinating collage of his multifaceted and multidimensional genius, who is not only one of the greatest political leaders of modern times but a supreme visionary, thinker par excellence, great scholar and writer, spiritual guide and statesman, and a leader of all humanity.


The author presents perspectives on his vast oeuvre as a darshanik and shares his exalted dream and aspiration for India and humanity, his horizonless ranges that are their own skylines, his lights, and his snow-capped peaks.

It gives a glimpse into Sri Aurobindo’s pragmatic integral philosophy that is unique in being Vedantic in essence yet modern in expression and outlook.

Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0

Snakes in the Ganga unveils uncomfortable truths concerning India’s vulnerabilities:

Intense warfare against India’s integrity is the work of a well-orchestrated global machinery driven by a new ideology. Marxism has been reincarnated as Critical Race Theory in US academia and serves as the framework to address America’s racism. This has been recklessly mapped on to India:Caste is equated with Race. Marginalized communities of India are considered as Blacks and Brahmins as the Whites of India. Groups claiming grievances (like Muslims and LGBTQ+) are artificially clubbed together. Popularly called the Woke movement, the mission is to dismantle Indian civilization and heritage by waging an uncompromising war against India’s government, educational institutions, culture, industry, and society. Harvard University is Ground Zero of these social theories developed in collaboration with Indian scholars, activists, journalists and artists. This represents a clear and present danger to India’s sovereignty and national security. Several Indian elites are hoisting Harvard as the vishwa guru with their money and family names. Some private universities within India are importing Wokeism that has serious repercussions for India’s stability. Indian corporates are bringing the latest Western rubric of Environmental, Social, and Governance ratings into their workplace. This is aligned with the global Social Justice movement. China has exploited this latest infrastructure as a passage to India. Wokeism has penetrated some of the Indian government’s policies. For instance, the National Education Policy 2020 is propagating Harvard’s liberal arts. An entire ecosystem of ideologies, institutions and young leaders is emerging for the recolonization of India. Is India for sale?

The Eternal Gene and Other Tales of Malaise

How do we know that we are living in actual reality? Can we trust our memories? Have you ever wondered about the possibilities of extraterrestrial species visiting Earth in the prehistoric era? What would happen if a rare mutation halts aging in a man?


All these questions, and many more, are answered through six superbly crafted stories penned by breakout author, Ankush Sam Thorpe. In the stunning title story, a man’s journey to investigate his father’s mysterious death leads him to the nation’s best kept secret. ‘A Stitch in Time’, follows a soldier’s quest to finish a mission in a world long forgotten, with a gut-wrenching revelation. In ‘Down Memory Lane’, the protagonist learns that the reality is not what it seems amidst an imminent political coup. In ‘The Representative’, a man suddenly wakes up billions of light years away, in an intergalactic conference, representing Earth. And in ‘Hera’, a group of Neanderthals are visited by a guest from a hyper-advanced civilization, forever changing the course of evolution on Earth.

Confidence Cures: The Art of Self-Wellness

Confidence Cures: The Art of Self-Wellness offers an integrated and experience-based approach to aid you in attaining wellness by focusing on the physical, mental, existential and spiritual aspects of your being. Based on the personal experience of Lieutenant General S.B. Sehajpal, a former dental surgeon in the Indian Army, who practised the wellness way of life and recovered from acute depression, hypertension and diabetes, and Mrs Kiran Sehajpal, an educationist, this book serves as a comprehensive guide in reinvigorating yourself and putting your health at topmost priority. No fancy diets, no fads, no herd-hounding, just intent and a karmic commitment with yourself.


Hindutva: Origin, Evolution and Future studies Hindutva in both critical and holistic terms—an approach that is oft found missing in most studies on Hindutva, where a lot of critical knowledge has been left out either intentionally or out of ignorance. This omission has led to characterize Hindutva as a dangerous exclusivist majoritarian supremacist ideology. Hindutva is often studied like other extreme right-wing ideologies. However, the thesis presented in this book is built on the strong foundation that Hindutva is not an ideology but a historical-civilizational process. As such, it does not fit the expectations of any ideological framework.

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