
Brigitte Borja de Mozota is one of the world’s most prominent scholars in design management and author of the reference book Design Management – Using Design to Build Brand Value and Corporate Innovation. Currently, a consultant as well as professor and supervisor of MBA “managing by design” theses, she concentrates on mission-driven projects and to develop tools to help understanding the value of the design industry and design-driven innovation, as well as on leadership challenges in economics.

Brigitte Borja de Mozota

Brigitte Borja de Mozota is one of the world's most prominent scholars in design management and author of the reference book Design Management - Using Design to Build Brand Value and Corporate Innovation. Currently, a consultant as well as professor and supervisor of MBA "managing by design" theses, she concentrates on mission-driven projects and to develop tools to help understanding the value of the design industry and design-driven innovation, as well as on leadership challenges in economics.

Author's books

Design: A Business Case Thinking, Leading and Managing by Design

How to stimulate innovation in your organization as a constantly ongoing process? How to bridge the complementary skills that exist in your organization? What leads to an integration of mind, matter, image and identity? Design: A Business Case can lead you to the answers of all of this and more. It combines the intellectual frameworks of Design Thinking, the operational and implementing mechanisms of Design Management as well as the skills of Design that embody these two. 


Design Thinking inspires, Design Management enables, Design embodies. This book aims to reconcile the three and encourage organizational and professional environments in which their combined forces can thrive and succeed.