Completing Vyasa’s Mahabharata

Embedded within the primary narrative of the Mahabharata lie numerous sub-tales known as upakhyaanas or upakathas. These lesser known stories play a vital role in completing the grand tapestry of the Mahabharata, thus giving this book its apt title. Unlike verse translations found in unabridged versions, the 67 upakathas presented here serve a different purpose. While they may appear as diversions, these narratives serve as vital threads, connecting the text and offering answers to lingering questions that readers may have. For instance, why did Ambaa, the princess of Kaashi, become the catalyst for Bheeshma’s demise in a later life? The Ambaa upakhyaana holds the answers. Similarly, the stories of Sage Parashuraama reveal why a brahmana like him possessed warrior-like qualities. Two upakhyaanas shed light on this enigma. Additionally, the Yayaati upakhyaana elucidates the reasons behind the Kurus descending from Puru, Yayaati’s youngest son, rather than the eldest. Moreover, the intriguing dialogue between Duryodhana and Shalya, where Duryodhana persuades Shalya to become Karna’s charioteer, is also explored in these Upakathas.

Hindus in Hindu Rashtra

To those who claim we are now living in a totalitarian, fascist, Hindu Rashtra, one must ask: What kind of a Hindu Rashtra is this where a billion-strong Hindus have been, through our parliament, through our courts, our education system, and our constitution, reduced to not just second-class but, rather, eighth-class citizens? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti, Durga pooja processions, and even Garba celebrations, are attacked and stoned with impunity? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where a sitting Prime minister says minorities have the first right to resources? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where Hindus are forced to be refugees in their own land, where one can settle 40,000 Rohingya Muslims but not 700,000 Kashmiri Hindus, the land’s original inhabitants; where the judiciary says it is too late to prosecute those who raped, murdered, and ethnically cleansed lacs of Hindus? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where Hindu temples are exclusively controlled by the State, where Hindus must beg for Waqf land to celebrate their festival while the government usurps hundreds of thousands of acres of temple land and is responsible for more than 100,000 temples losing lakhs of crores in rental income? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where the Right to Education Act discriminates only against Hindus and their schools, forcing tens of thousands of them to shut down? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where monsters like Aurangzeb and Tipu who perpetrated large-scale Hindu genocides are eulogised through State sponsored publications, naming of roads and cities, and organising of festivals? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where a law was about to be enacted through with only the Hindus would have been held guilty in a communal riot even if they were in a minority for example in Kashmir? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where court judgments like the Sabarimala and legislative enactments like the Hindu Code Bill purport to reform only Hindu religious practices but dare not touch practices of other religions, and if they do, the decisions are promptly reversed like in the Shah Bano case? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where The Places of Worship Act continues to deny the Hindus their legitimate right to correct historical injustices and reclaim thousands of demolished temples? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where the Waqf Act gives overarching powers to Muslims to declare a 1500-year-old Hindu temple to be on Islamic land when Islam is only 1300 years old? If this is how a Hindu is rewarded in a Hindu Rashtra, he’d much rather be in a Muslim Rashtra because then at least there’d be no pretence of equality – a Kafir will get what he deserves. In this searing commentary penned with clinical precision, the author shreds to smithereens once and for all the guilt-tripping, self-loathing fake narrative that Hindus have been duped with since Independence. There is no pretence, no political correctness, only unvarnished truth – that the Hindus are living under State-sanctioned Apartheid.

This Is Sanatan Dharma

We speak often of the Hindu religion, of the Sanatan Dharma, but few of us really know what that religion is…This is the Dharma that for the salvation of humanity was cherished in the seclusion of this peninsula from of old. It is to give this religion that India is rising. She does not rise as other countries do, for self or when she is strong, to trample on the weak. She is rising to shed the eternal light entrusted to her over the world. India has always existed for humanity and not for herself and it is for humanity and not for herself that she must be great. 


These are the words of Maharishi Sri Aurobindo. But what is this Sanatan Dharma? Is it just the religion and rituals that Hindus follow or is it really the secret of life and consciousness that is embedded in the very fabric of our cosmic existence? This book reveals, layer by layer, the subtler spiritual dimensions of Sanatan Dharma, and its timeless relevance to human existence and civilization.

The Never-Dying Fire

Little known in his own country, Sri Aurobindo was nevertheless one of the more significant personalities of twenty century-India. After studying humanities in England, he embarked on a political struggle to challenge Britain’s colonial domination over India. In 1906, he founded the newspaper Bande Mataram, laying the groundwork of India’s future independence, notably through Passive Resistance, which was later adopted by Gandhi. But far from Gandhi’s pacifism, Sri Aurobindo was convinced that freedom could only be achieved via action, and even via armed struggle.


Absorbed by India’s century-old wisdom, his commitment to his country was doubled by an unremitting inner spiritual quest.


In 1910, Sri Aurobindo began another life in Pondicherry. In his written works, notably The Life Divine, published in 1920, he propounded an “Integral Yoga” describing the conditions of the “The Great Passage”, meant to lead to the next evolution of mankind.


His work influenced and attracted disciples from around the world to his ashram, founded in 1926 with his companion Mira Alfassa, and later to the Auroville community, a few kilometres from Pondicherry.


Through this biography, Luc Venet reveals the unfolding of Sri Aurobindo’s exceptional force and opens up the path to a new evolution of humanity.

Sobha Singh Artist

The magic of eminent artist Sardar Sobha Singh continues to live even after his death in the year 1986.. Despite an uneasy childhood, Sobha Singh rose to a widely loved and respected artist with innumerable admirers in India and several other countries. A man of vision, Sobha Singh was a versatile genius.. Though a renowned artist, several other facets of his persona have mostly remained unknown. This biography records the life of the artist besides providing some glimpses of his art. This book is an extension of the author’s mission to preserve and propagate art and the philosophy of his grandfather Sobha Singh Artist so that with the passage of time facts are not replaced with unsubstantiated matter.


Adhyatmikta:Explorations into Hindu Spiritual Practices looks at the fundamental questions and issues faced by a dharmic spiritual practitioner in today’s age. It guides one to navigate the spiritual path with a judicious mix of practical experience and guidance from the traditions and texts. The book also contains detailed articles on devatas in Hinduism.

Building Beyond Infra

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended the realm of science fiction and become a ubiquitous presence in the mainstream. It has emerged as the new powerhouse for businesses. In his bestselling book, esteemed futurist, strategic business advisor, and author, Akhilesh Srivastava explores how to effectively harness and integrate technology within the construction industry. This book provides invaluable insights into leveraging technology for the growth of infrastructure businesses. By examining real-world trends in Artificial Intelligence, the author demonstrates its potential to drive organizational success. It guides readers on integrating existing advancements while also preparing for upcoming developments, equipping companies with the transformative power of Al applications that fuel success in both present and future endeavors.


Purvyam is a fantasy fiction novel based in the pre – Ramayan era. It is the story of Vadhrika, who is on a quest to wipe out humanity from the face of the earth. He is driven by the belief (layered over multiple lifetimes) that the end of the earth (Pralay) is hastened due to human greed and lust. Ultimately, all of nature’s creations pay the price for this, as is evident in the world today. Hence, his simple solution for this is that humans must be wiped off the face of earth. The rulers of earth come together to try and thwart Vadhrika’s ambitions. Along the way, they have their own fears, hopes, greed and ambitions to deal with.

Veda Made Simple

Veda Made Simple is an important book. In a strikingly clear, lucid and straightforward manner, the author reveals the rich and complex philosophy and symbolism of the Veda for anyone who is open in mind and heart to receive the wisdom of humanity’s oldest spiritual scripture. That the author does this in the light of Sri Aurobindo—inarguably among the very few who realized and lived the deepest and highest Vedic truths in their beings—makes it even more significant. This book comes at the right time too, as Indians globally begin to reawaken to their timeless Vedic and Sanatan heritage.

Arc of Governance

Governance is a 360-degree process; this book is an arc. “New India” dawned on 26 May 2014 when the Union government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi was sworn in by the president of the Republic of India. Its governance agenda was unveiled by the president in Parliament on 9 June 2014 with this stentorian statement: “My government is dedicated to the poor…. With a firm belief that the first claim on development belongs to the poor, my government pledges itself to the principle of sabke saath, sabka vikas…. My government will function on the mantra of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’, and we will work together to re-establish the credibility of the institutions of democracy.”


The government got a second mandate in 2019. This book, which is a compilation of the author’s articles and papers, will take the reader through different dimensions of governance, government, institutions, democracy and development critically, analysing the flavour of New India in them.

Gods Dancing Among Men

Theyyam, an ancient tradition of North Malabar, is a captivating blend of folk art, religious ritual, and profound spirituality. Gods Dancing Among Men: The Mystical World of Theyyams of North Malabar delves deep into the rich history of theyyam, exploring its roots and relevance in contemporary belief and worship. This book sheds light on both the luminous and shadowy facets of this tradition as well as the enigmatic grey areas that define it.


Every aspect of the theyyam cult, from the vibrant and intricate costumes to the wild and transcendent dances, is fascinating. The practitioners of theyyam display astonishing abilities, including clairvoyance, prophecy, and the power to fulfil wishes. The pantheon of theyyam includes Shaivite and Vaishnavite manifestations alongside a diverse array of Bhagvathy theyyams. Popular deities such as Muthappan, Muchilot Bhagavathi, Thee Chamundi, Gulikan, Kuttichathan, and Pottan Deiyvam hold a special place in the hearts of the people. Additionally, the theyyam tradition incorporates animals into its repertoire with performances featuring monkeys, tigers, buffaloes, crocodiles, bees, and snakes. One of the most astonishing aspects of theyyam is the fearless interaction with fire. Performers nonchalantly walk on embers and even hurl themselves onto immense mounds of fire, known as meleri, repeatedly. Despite the influence of Aryanization, the sanitizing impact of British colonial rule, the teachings of social reformers, the remarkable literacy rates, and the prevalent communist ideology in the region, the sanctity of the theyyam tradition remains unblemished. Theyyams are living gods, cherished and revered by the people of North Malabar, and their blessings hold immense significance.


To those who claim we are now living in a totalitarian, fascist, Hindu Rashtra, one must ask: What kind of a Hindu Rashtra is this where a billion-strong Hindus have been, through our parliament, through our courts, our education system, and our constitution, reduced to not just second-class but, rather, eighth-class citizens? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti, Durga pooja processions, and even Garba celebrations, are attacked and stoned with impunity? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where a sitting Prime minister says minorities have the first right to resources? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where Hindus are forced to be refugees in their own land, where one can settle 40,000 Rohingya Muslims but not 700,000 Kashmiri Hindus, the land’s original inhabitants; where the judiciary says it is too late to prosecute those who raped, murdered, and ethnically cleansed lacs of Hindus? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where Hindu temples are exclusively controlled by the State, where Hindus must beg for Waqf land to celebrate their festival while the government usurps hundreds of thousands of acres of temple land and is responsible for more than 100,000 temples losing lacs of crores in rental income? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where Right to Education Act discriminates only against Hindus and their schools, forcing tens of thousands of them to shut down? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where monsters like Aurangzeb and Tipu who perpetrated large-scale Hindu genocides are eulogised through State sponsored publications, naming of roads and cities, and organising of festivals? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where a law was about to be enacted through with only the Hindus would have been held guilty in a communal riot even if they were in a minority for example in Kashmir? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where court judgments like the Sabarimala and legislative enactments like the Hindu Code Bill purport to reform only Hindu religious practices but dare not touch practices of other religions, and if they do, the decisions are promptly reversed like in the Shah Bano case? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where The Places of Worship Act continues to deny the Hindus their legitimate right to correct historical injustices and reclaim thousands of demolished temples? What kind of Hindu Rashtra is this where the Waqf Act gives overarching powers to Muslims to declare a 1500-year-old Hindu temple to be on Islamic land when Islam is only 1300 years old? If this is how a Hindu is rewarded in a Hindu Rashtra, he’d much rather be in a Muslim Rashtra because then at least there’d be no pretence of equality – a Kafir will get what he deserves. In this searing commentary penned with clinical precision, the author shreds to smithereens once and for all the guilt-tripping, self-loathing fake narrative that Hindus have been duped with since Independence. There is no pretence, no political correctness, only unvarnished truth – that the Hindus are living under State-sanctioned Apartheid.

Modian Consensus

Modian Consensus: The Rediscovery Of Bharat maps the Indian political trajectory of the last 150 years. It locates various periods of consensus that developed in Bharat from time to time and drove the policy, planning and politics of the day. Four of these consensus phases of the past have been identified as Civilisational Consensus, Gandhian Consensus, Nehruvian Consensus and Secular Consensus. The fifth and ongoing phase, the book argues, is Modian Consensus. The book examines how the politics of the day finds itself willy-nilly amidst a consensus around the politics of Narendra Modi. In the current phase, parties and politicians diametrically opposed to Modi’s ideas are compelled to follow the line of policies and programmes set by him. The impact of this consensus can be observed far beyond the domain of politics as it stands on the three postulates of cultural rootedness, assertive nationalism and welfare for all. The book explores various manifestations of Modian Consensus, including the challenges it faces and what it augurs for the future of Indian politics.

Modi’s Governance Triumph

Meticulously researched and analysed, Modi’s Governance Triumph: Reshaping India’s Path to Prosperity delves into the Modi government’s key initiatives, reforms and innovations that have left an indelible imprint on India’s socioeconomic and political fabric. From the ambitious ‘Make in India’ campaign to sweeping changes in the taxation system with the introduction of the goods and services tax (GST), each chapter unpacks the narrative of a leader who has redefined governance in the world’s largest democracy.


The book not only examines the achievements but also critically evaluates the challenges and controversies that have marked Modi’s tenure, providing a well-rounded perspective on his leadership. It is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding changes taking place in India and the role Prime Minister Narendra Modi plays in reshaping the nation’s future.

Ram Janmabhoomi

A civilization that forgets its struggles is condemned to repeat its mistakes and spiral into a self-destructive cycle. The battles for freedom and the resistance against occupation and atrocities all too often recede from collective memory, overshadowed by the weight of oppression and systematically orchestrated efforts, to erase the Hindu identity through manipulated narratives. The sacred geography of Bharat, the cradle of Hindu dharma and the ancestral home of the Hindu people, has borne witness to relentless invasions, leaving scars on the collective psyche.


The Ram Janmabhoomi movement stands as a poignant testament to the devastation inflicted upon the roots of Hindu civilization and the arduous battle to reclaim it. In an era dominated by weaponized narratives, where the perpetrators of atrocities are romanticized as victims and the victims are crowned as oppressors, this book reminds of the facts and the inconvenient truths—of the blood, sweat and tears that many Hindus shed in fighting the good fight. It is a call to ensure that every Hindu born in an age, removed from those trials and tribulations, never forgets the sacrifices made by those who went before them. For if we forget, we are complicit in normalizing the obliteration of our great civilization.

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