
Shiva kathas are strewn like bright gems across the antiquated treasure chests of the Vedas, Itihasas, Maha Puranas, Sthala Puranas, and folklore. Adideva: 25 Legends behind His 25 Names is a collection of twentyfive enchanting legends about Shiva retold in opulent detail keeping true to the original texts and temple lore. Each tale is supplemented by captivating verses of many saint-poets and photos of intricate sculptures and art, illuminating the adoration of our ancestors for each of the divine manifestations of Adideva. From the well-known stories of Neelakantha, Uma Maheshwara, and Rameshwara, the riveting narratives of Tripurantaka, Sharabeshwara, and Kirata, the poignant accounts of Grishneshwara, Mrtyunjaya, and Matrubhuteshwara to the profound contemplations of Dakshinamurti and Arunachala, the chosen stories are filled with navarasas, and evoke wonder and adoration for Mahadeva. Embedded within these narratives are subtle teachings of dharma and adhyatma—inspiring a journey towards selfdiscovery. Most importantly, they are the easiest and sweetest ways to cultivate Shiva bhakti, which is the immediate cure for samsara.

Arc of Governance

Governance is a 360-degree process; this book is an arc. “New India” dawned on 26 May 2014 when the Union government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi was sworn in by the president of the Republic of India. Its governance agenda was unveiled by the president in Parliament on 9 June 2014 with this stentorian statement: “My government is dedicated to the poor…. With a firm belief that the first claim on development belongs to the poor, my government pledges itself to the principle of sabke saath, sabka vikas…. My government will function on the mantra of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’, and we will work together to re-establish the credibility of the institutions of democracy.”


The government got a second mandate in 2019. This book, which is a compilation of the author’s articles and papers, will take the reader through different dimensions of governance, government, institutions, democracy and development critically, analysing the flavour of New India in them.