Refund & Cancellations

Refund Policy
Following are the details of the return policies applicable for books sold on In general, the books may be eligible for return within the applicable return window if it fulfills one or more of the following conditions:
Was delivered in a physically damaged condition
Is different from what was ordered
Books marked as “non-returnable” on the product detail page cannot be returned.
All books must be returned in their original condition, as delivered. We may reject the return pickup if the items are not returned according to the policy mentioned.
We cannot accept returns of books returned more than 10 days after delivery. Customers should expect a refund in the same form of payment originally used for purchase within 5 to 7 business days of receipt of the return package.
Refunds will be issued only if it is determined that the item was not damaged while in your possession, or is not different from what was shipped to you.

Exchange of Order
If the item you wish to return doesn’t have an exchange option, you’ll need to return the original item and place a new order. If the item you’re exchanging costs less than your original purchase we will refund you the difference.

Cancellation of order
As of now, we don’t have the facility to cancel your orders. However, as we keep updating the website we will notify you once we have that facility available.